大胆的. 独特的. 圣经.
一个原理方法® –12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA





教育的原则方法®侧重于一致和有序的教与学. The goal is to build a student’s Christian character and sense of self-government, 基督教的奖学金, and 圣经 reasoning for lifelong learning and discipleship.


  • Has its philosophical origins in the Bible
  • 圣经的教与学教学法是否揭示了独特的方法论
  • 揭示神的品格和本性,正如圣经所启示的,并在造物主身上彰显的
  • Discovers the purposes of God for 男人。 和政府
  • 适用于所有时代和文化

作为基督徒, the Principle Approach helps us mature in the knowledge of God (His purposes and ways), preparing us to advance the Kingdom of Christ to the uttermost parts of the earth. 作为美国的基督徒, 原则方法使我们能够辨明我们国家赖以建立的《BCK体育注册官网》中的政府原则, 从而, empowering us to restore what has been systematically dis男人。tled over generations.

The heart of the Principle Approach teaches students to reason from biblical truth, 或原则, and to make application to every area of life. Every class at Dayspring Christian Academy begins with God’s Word. From the Divine language of mathematics to the hand of Providence in history, each subject is taught from the perspective of God as Author. 学生学习圣经的原则,导致每个主题的起源和目的的发现,以及上帝如何使用男人和国家推进他的王国. 教育的目的, 在这种理念下, 是启迪悟性吗, 塑造性格, 养成自律的习惯, and prepare young men and women to fulfill their God-given potential.

学生被教导从圣经的原则来思考和推理,并将它们应用到生活的各个领域. Students are taught how to think, not what to think. 在基督教学校的背景下, these principles are initially taught within the context of the various school subjects, offering a clear picture of the character and nature of the God who authored them. Students engage in the 4Rs of learning—Re搜索, 原因, 联系, and Record—as a methodology that builds a biblical worldview. The notebook is developed as a record of a living curriculum, 由老师教导和塑造, as well as re搜索ed and reasoned by the student. 笔记本成为未来学习的资源,同时提供持久学术研究的证据.


The Principle Approach employs a classical curriculum that includes logic, 修辞, 诠释学, 拉丁语和希腊语, 古典文学, 以及上帝的历史观. A原则方法教育将文科作为通过科学和人文学科研究形成完整人的一种手段, 美术和表演艺术, 和体育. 超出正规学校的课程, 原则方法专门检查和指导学生在政府的圣经原则, 教他们从政府角度思考问题, 从原因到结果, 从内部到外部. 学生们认识到,在我们国家,个人享有的自由程度与上帝话语的圣经原则被接受和遵循的程度直接相关.


“原则教育”是美国建国前两百年盛行的教育方式. 这种方法造就了能够根据圣经的政府原则进行推理的男男女女,形成了世界上第一个基督教立宪联邦共和国——美利坚合众国. This great experiment was built upon the Christian ideas of God, 男人。, 和政府, 它为当时的个人体验提供了最大程度的自由.

The 圣经 Principles Upon Which America Was Founded

上帝的个性原则: There is one God who is sovereign over all Creation. Everything in God’s universe is an expression of His character, 他的本性, 他的无穷, 和他的个性.

The Principle of Christian Self-Government: Allowing Christ to rule in one’s heart internally. 一个人所享有的自由与他按照神的话语来管理自己的程度直接相关.

种子原则: 从原因到结果的, 地方基督教自治的种子在个人的内心深处播种,然后向外移动,影响家庭, 教会, 以及民间领域.

基督徒品格的原则: A self-governing republic requires a virtuous people in order to endure.

基督教的公民政府观 公民政府考虑到人的罪恶本性,其存在是为了保障上帝赋予个人的权利. Civil government is based upon God’s law, not the will of the people.

基督教财产原则: That for which one labors, becomes his property. 个人在他的思想和信仰以及他的物质财产中都拥有财产. “良心是我们最神圣的财产.”1

统一原则: Unity with diversity is a reflection of the nature of God, revealed in the Trinity and creatively expressed in the universe. 内部的统一产生外部的联合. 这些和其他圣经原则对于维持我们共和国的完整至关重要. If we forget or abandon these principles, 我们将成为, 正如殖民总督约翰·温斯洛普所说, 这在列国中成了笑谈.”2

1 詹姆斯·麦迪逊,美国宪法的总设计师.S. 宪法.
2 John Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity, 1630.


在黎明基督教学院的原则方法教育的独特属性之一是每年的写作和演讲. The oration is a two-step process, the writing phase and the public speaking phase. 这很有挑战性,但也很值得. 我们的校长演讲比赛的决赛选手被选中在活动中发表演讲,包括爱国者庆祝晚宴和记住美国演讲系列. 在黎明, we think it is important to ask questions. Students are taught to seek original and primary sources, ask the question “why?,坚持不懈地追求真理. 对Dayspring的学生来说,学会表达自己的信仰,并用书面和口头表达出来是很重要的. The oration process is a hallmark of the Principle Approach. 每年春天, 学生就自己选择的主题写一篇有说服力的演讲,并必须在秋季校长演讲比赛期间提交. 主题是我们的学生通过书面和口头语言学习有效沟通的热情信念.



原则教学法起源于美国早期的古典基督教教育模式, whereas the more common classical education is based in the medieval European system. There are broad similarities between the two approaches, but there are substantial differences in the methods. While the American colonial and founding generations knew and drew from the classics, 他们更直接地从圣经中取材,因为它涉及到公民生活的各个方面, 包括政府, 个人财产, 以及基督徒品格的发展. You can learn more about this in our blog, 什么是原则方法学校?

在黎明, students learn through the classical discipline of logic, 是什么在真理的机制中锻炼学生,使他们能够通过思想来发展成熟的观点.

在修辞, 学生学习有说服力的沟通,以更好地捍卫自己的信仰,并将自己定位为上帝可能召唤他们的领导者.


作为一所原则性的学校,黎明教育学生使用主要的和原始的资料. So, the classical languages of Latin and New Testament Greek are taught. 当学生学习新约希腊文时, they are able to go into the original Greek text and read Scripture as it was written, while Latin forms the basis for understanding 男人。y English words. It provides good structure for categorizing English words and understanding meanings, 后缀, 前缀. 拉丁语支持英语.


笔记本法 is the method of scholars. It is counterintuitive to today’s culture of quick returns, 即时信息, 在表面上学习. 这需要纪律和职业道德.

笔记本法是学生创造力的产物,也是他生产力的永久记录. 它帮助家长和老师监督孩子的进步,并直观地展示孩子的性格发展, 勤奋, 以及学生的责任.

Dayspring students use technology as a tool in keeping electronic notebooks. Electronic notebooks must be orderly, with separate folders for each subject. The same principles of the Notebook Method apply to electronically kept notebooks.

传统学校采用的方法通常包括反刍学习,最终目标是掌握考试. After the test is over, there may be little record of learning. 笔记本方法与“原则方法”的理念“一致而有序的教学和生产力”保持一致.” When a child is finished with a subject, he has a complete record of what he has learned, and has a visual representation of his accomplishments. To learn more about the Notebook Method, read about the Notebook Method on our blog!


There are two ways to view history: through the secular lens or through the lens of God. The secular view of history holds the view that 男人。 is in control. The opposite view is that God is in control and is actively involved in the lives of men. The latter is often referred to as the providential view of history.

我们的历史研究成为真正的基督教当学生学会认识到上帝的手作为事件的原因. 从这个角度来看,学生们明白上帝对每个国家和每个人都有一个计划. 学生学习看到,因为神在过去使用普通人,他现在也在做同样的事情. 学生学会问,如果这是神对这些人的计划,那么他对我的计划是什么?

了解更多BCK体育注册官网 在这个博客里有上帝的历史. 


Private tours for you and your child are available. 另外, 初高中学生可以通过我们的参观项目体验一天的BCK体育注册官网. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.

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